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JI Bangladesh Chief meets family last time before execution

Family of Jamat-e-Islami Bangladesh Ameer Matti Rehman Nizami have called on him last time before his execution in Qasimpur center jail in Dhaka.

Six members of the JI leader including his wife have met Matti Rehman Nizami last time.  The JI chief in Bangladesh has been sentenced to death  for his loyalty towards Pakistan in 1971 war between India and Pakistan.

Talking with family members in jail, JI leader said that if Allah (God) admitted his martyrdom then it will be the biggest happiness for his life adding that death and life is in the hand of God and nobody can take someone’s life.

On the other side his family members talking to media said that Molana Matti Rehman Nizami has no worry over his death sentence.

Prior to the JI chief Bangladesh many JI leaders have been sentenced to death for being supporters of Pakistan in 1971 war.