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Martyrs’ toll reaches 88 by Indian forces firing  in Occupied-Kashmir

As curfew still imposed on 34th day in Occupied valley while  occupying forces have martyred four Kashmiris and injured several due to protest against Indian atrocities, whereas martyrs toll  reached to 88 in 34th day while more than 7,500 were injured.

The situation is still tensed on 34th day in Occupied-Kashmir while curfew is prevailing  in Valley whereas strike is being continued on appeal of Hurriyat leaders. No relaxation has bee made in ongoing curfew in Srinagar, Kupwara, Battagram and in other districts. Indian forces continuously stopping Kashmiris’ way while innocent Kashmiris life being narrowed from torture and strictness. Beside this situation due to malnutrition is being advanced towards human crisis but  Kashmiris worrisome from Indian brutalities kept protesting despite curfew.

Indian’s state terrorism is strongly being condemned  by Hurriyat leaders while Hurriyat leaders  emphasized International community once to resolve Kashmir issue.