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Occupied-kashmir: Indian atrocities enter in third month as martyrs’ toll reach 99

Indian atrocities and curfew have entered in third month  in Occupied-Kashmir whereas at least 150 Kashmiris were injured by  occupying force using of pellets gun. Thus, overall martyrs toll have reached to 99 while more than 10,000 were wounded.

The Indian  force have broke persecution records on innocent Kashmiris as situation on 61st day in Occupied-Kashmir is in tensed. Curfew still imposed in Occupied Valley whereas business activities, educational institution and offices are closed.

On the other hand, protest is being continued in Valley while clashes between Indian forces and demonstrators were witnessed in district Pulwama of Occupied-Kashmir, as a result  more than a dozen protesters were wounded in clash as Indian forces used tear gas shelling on protest rally.

Earlier, at least 150 innocent demonstrators were injured by Indian forces using of pellet guns as Occupied valley’s hospitals are repleted  by Indian barbaric acts whereas little space in hospitals  being witnessed for patients in hospitals.

Hurriyat leaders have extended the date till September 16 in protest against kashmiris’ cleansing. While, chairman  Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Syed Ali Gilani, Yasin Malik and others detainees of Hurriyat leaders have condemned Indian belligerency.