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70 Injured in New York Factory Explosions

New York (November 21, 2017): A pair of explosions rocked a gigantic cosmetics manufacturing plant in New York’s Orange County on Monday, injuring above 70 people and spewing thick plumes of noxious black smoke from the roof and from what appeared to be blasted-out sides of the building.

According to the details, multiple explosions have rocked a cosmetics factory in New York’s Hudson Valley, sending thick black plumes of smoke shooting into the sky.A blaze appears to have broken out as a result of the blasts, with dozens of fire fighters attempting to bring the flames under control.

A local fire department volunteer described the inferno as a “chemical fire”.  The explosions happened around 10:30am local time (3:30 GMT) at a factory owned by Verla International – cosmetics firm.

At least five fire fighters were also injured and taken to hospital for treatment. While 65 more people, all of whom workers at the plant, were taken to hospital.None of their injuries are thought to be life-threatening, Michael Farbent, New Windsor police chief, said.  The cause of the explosions at the factory, which employes around 100 people, is under investigation, he added.

All employees have been evacuated from the building, located around 55 miles from New York City.

Emergency crews, including police, fire fighters and others are currently at the scene battling the blaze.  Verla produces nail polish and cosmetics, among other beauty products.

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