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Entire World is furious at United Airlines

As the internet continues to buzz about the incident in which a passenger was viciously dragged off a United Airlines flight on Sunday night, outrage has spread across the globe.

The passenger, Dr. David Dao, is a Vietnamese American, and Vietnam is becoming a particular hotbed of anger over the incident.

The passenger, Dr. David Dao, is a Vietnamese American, and Vietnam is becoming a particular hotbed of anger over the incident.

Clarence Dũng Taylor’s Facebook post, liked over 5,000 times, called out United for their treatment of Dao and, translated, said, “Dr. Dao didn’t do anything wrong on that flight and that’s the main thing”.

Taylor, who says he represents Vietnamese artists who frequently used United, has started a petition to boycott the airline and has around 1,200 signatures thus far.

The incident also continues to churn up anger in China, where Weibo users have already made their feelings known. Some bigger names are lending their voice to the cacophony of complaints.