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Slackliners breaks world record with 750 metres trek

Rome(May 18, 2017):  This is the nail biting moment three people smash the world record for walking across the longest slackline above water.

Samuel Volery from Switzerland, Tijmen Van Dieren from Holland and Lukas Irmler from Germany all broke the astonishing record – as they elegantly balanced above the water with ease.

They even juggled as they balanced in the middle of the narrow slackline. The three men all took turns to walk the line – surrounded by the breathtaking views of Kalterer See Lake in South Tyrol, Italy.

Encircled by mountain peaks and the glistening sun – the slackliners can be seen walking a whopping 2460.63 ft (750 metres) without falling.

It took Timjen one hour, Samuel 45 minutes, and Lukas 25 minutes to smash a very challenging world record.

The impressive slackliners look relaxed yet are psychically on edge as they look down at their bare feet high above the luminous turquoise water.

All three use various techniques of cautious walking mixed with speedy running – and amazingly make it to the end without slipping!