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Users spend extra time 57.6m hours on Facebook during Ramadan

Berlin(June 01, 2017): Ramadan is a time to connect with family, faith and friends and encourages people to be more social. As a result, Facebook just revealed that users spend an extra 57.6 million hours on Facebook during the holy month.
Usage peaks at 3am during Ramadan amongst Facebook’s 152 million Monthly Active Users in   MENA. Like many things, Ramadan has been influenced by the rise of new technology – especially mobile technology.

Last year, it was discovered that conversations around Ramadan are growing. In comparison to 2016’s seven-week discussion period, conversations about Ramadan started early this year and are expected to last for nine weeks on Facebook amongst UAE’s 8.4 million monthly active users. This trend continues to grow and can be split into three distinct phases.

The pre-Ramadan phase is all about discovery, which is hugely important in a world where people are spending more time on mobile apps than browsers.

The second phase is about connecting via mobile and visual. During Ramadan, people are most often to be found on their smartphone, posting and sharing images and videos.

Ramadan is a mobile-first month in the UAE, especially for young people, with people sharing Ramadan experiences via mobile, images and video. 4.84x more mobile conversations taking place during Ramadan compared to Non-Ramadan months in the region.

Moreover, watching television is among the most popular pastimes during Ramadan, as families gather together to watch specially commissioned shows. But the TV is no longer the only screen in today’s living room.

71 per cent of Facebook users say they’re on Facebook while watching TV, with that number rising to 77 per cent for Instagram.

The final phase is all about last minute opportunities at Eid. People are looking for last-minute gifting and travel opportunities. 70 per cent of people  say they rely on Facebook for gift ideas.

Although shopping continues to happen throughout the day, 3 am seems to be the time where usage peaks on Facebook during Ramadan and the optimal time for advertisers to gain the consumer’s attention. Moreover, travel is an essential ingredient for millions during Ramadan.

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