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Coca Could Improve Brain Power, New Study Suggests

Rome(July 3, 2017): New research  suggests that consuming cocoa regularly can improve your long-term memory. 

In the study, both healthy older adults and elderly adults with signs of neurodegenerative diseases like dementia or Alzheimer’s saw cognitive improvement, especially with memory, after drinking flavanol-rich cocoa drinks over a period of eight weeks. Not only that, but the subjects’ blood pressure and insulin levels improved as well.

Middle-aged subjects also fared well: eating or drinking cocoa products increased their brain’s efficiency , and for younger subjects, consuming chocolate seemed to increase blood-flow to the brain, which can have immediate effects on brain health.

However, since results of cognitive tests were mixed overall (it takes high doses of flavanol for the effects to take place), the researchers are cautious as to the positive impact eating cocoa can have on the brain.

Cocoa as a new interesting nutraceutical tool to protect human cognition and counteract different types of cognitive decline,” scientists said.

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