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At least 12 Killed, 18 Injured In Nigeria Church Shooting

Abuja(August 7, 2017): At least 12 killed and 18 injured as one armed man  stormed the St. Philips Catholic Church, Ozubulu in Ekwusigo Local Government Area of Anambra State, the police have said.

Witnesses initially said the attack was carried out by gunmen, but the police have now clarified it may have been carried out by a lone gunman.

A witness told the News Agency that the gunmen went into the church during the 5:45 a.m. mass and identified a particular man and shot him.

He said they later went on rampage and shot at the remaining over 100 worshippers. The Commissioner of Police, Mr. Umar also said that the injured were taken to the hospital.

He said that preliminary investigations by the police revealed that the attack was carried out by a native of the area.

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