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Voting Begins in Kurd-Dominated Region of Iraq

Erbil(September 25, 2017): In Iraq, voting is underway in a controversial independence referendum in the Kurdistan Region.

Western countries have expressed concern that the poll could provoke fresh conflict, and distract from the fight against so-called Islamic State.

The Iraq government has urged foreign countries not to buy oil from the Kurdistan region and deal only with Baghdad government.

Earlier, in Iraq, a controversial referendum on independence is being held in the provinces controlled by Kurdish Regional Government, on Monday, despite intense opposition from the central government in Baghdad and international powers.

Meanwhile, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has threatened to take necessary measures to protect Iraqi unity.

In his televised address, Abadi said taking a unilateral decision to stage a referendum is unconstitutional and affects both Iraqi and regional security.

However, the leader of Iraqi Kurdistan, Massud Barzani, said the plebiscite will be held as planned.

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