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34 IS militants killed in drone attack in Afghanistan’s Nangarhar province

KABUL: The US drones have targeted hideouts of Islamic States group in eastern Nangarhar province of Afghanistan, killing some 34 loyalists of the group.

According to Afghan media, the the airstrikes were conducted in different parts of the province, including Nazian and Haska Mina districts.

According to reports,  the loyalists of the terror group were targeted in the airstrikes on Saturday night. At least 31 of the militants were killed in Haroon Baba area of Haska Mina district, while  three others were killed in a separate airstrike in Nazian district.

Nangarhar is among the volatile provinces in eastern Afghanistan where both the Taliban insurgents and militants loyal to ISIS terrorist group are actively operating.

It is to be mentioned here that both the Afghan forces and the US forces in Afghanistan are conducting regular raids against the Taliban insurgents and ISIS loyalists in the districts where they are conducting insurgency activities.The US forces increased airstrikes against the Taliban insurgents and ISIS loyalists earlier this year after the Obama administration granted a broader role to the American forces.