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Physical Activity Lowers Risk of Death from Lymphoma: Study

Web Desk(December 14, 2017): Physical activity appears to help people with lymphoma survive their disease.

That finding comes from a new study by Mayo Clinic researchers of nearly 4,100 people with lymphoma, a cancer that starts in the white blood cells that normally help fight infection.

“As physicians, we recommend physical activity for all cancer survivors to improve overall quality of life, but we did not know if physical activity would have an impact on survival in lymphoma patients,” said Dr. Priyanka Pophali.People who’d boosted their physical activity level after being diagnosed with lymphoma also were less likely to have died in that three-year span than were those who hadn’t increased their activity level.

But the study couldn’t prove that more exercise actually caused death risk to drop. On the other hand, people whose physical activity level had declined after their diagnosis had higher death rates from lymphoma and other causes than those who had not changed their level of physical activity.Image result for Physical Activity Lowers Risk of Death from Lymphoma: Study “Therefore, since physical activity behaviors can be modified, physicians should counsel patients and survivors on the importance of physical activity and encourage them to maintain and, if possible, increase their level of physical activity.”

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