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Lahore (January 20, 2018): Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Saqib Nisar on Saturday said that the judiciary in the country is completely independent and the nation should be proud of it.

Addressing a seminar here, Justice Nisar praised the apex court’s bench and said all judges are capable and an epitome of honesty.

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He also said that judges have no right to make decisions based on their own likes and dislikes, and are bound by law to make independent decisions.

Judiciary can be considered a watchdog according to modern jurisprudence, which helps citizens in getting their rights, the chief justice added.

CJP said that we have seldom tried people for contempt despite so much criticism against us.Justice Nisar said that the current Supreme Court bench comprises people who are truly independent and hold up to the highest standards of integrity.

“Today, on this forum, I say that when I critically analyse my team, I never find any flaw,” he said. “Yes, there can be a lack of knowledge on this bench, and I would raise my hand and admit in front of you all that my knowledge is probably the least among my peers on the bench.”

“I believe that this team, once it starts working together, will be purer than gold and provide exemplary justice.”

Speaking to his fellow judges, Justice Nisar told the story of Lord Denning, a famous judge, and Mrs Stone.“One day Mrs Stone threw a book at Lord Denning because she did not believe the judgement was fair. The book missed Lord Denning as he tilted his head and hit the wall behind him. He smiled and calmly remarked, ‘I am sure this wasn’t pointed us.’ That is the level of calm judges are expected to show,” Justice Nisar explained as he concluded the story.

“If anyone believes that being an SC judge is a paid vacation, they should think again. Every judge has the responsibility of providing justice to the people. We will have to answer in front of God for the work we do here,” Justice Nisar warned members of the SC bar while adding that he expects the highest level of conduct from his bench.

“Being a judge is not about being able to pass whatever judgement one likes. It is about providing justice by the book. And if any of you (the judges present in the convention) cannot do that. retire, and do something else,” Justice Nisar said, while adding that he was saying this more to himself than to anyone else.Justice Nisar said the same while addressing the 3rd Sindh Judicial Conference in Karachi on January 13, and said judges have the responsibility to provide justice on time and in accordance with the law.

He said they are to provide justice based on law and not on choices.

He said at the conference that, unfortunately, the orders being announced at present, they are based on choices, instead of the law.

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“We accept the supremacy of the Parliament, and it is very important in a democracy that institutions do not encroach upon each others’ jurisdiction. But has the parliament updated these laws. This is a question I can’t answer,” he said the conference.

He said that the judiciary is often blamed for delay in cases but there is more to the issue.

Judges, whether of the apex court of lower courts, have a lot of cases pending before them, which makes it extremely difficult to resolve them on time.

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