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Qatar Vowed to Support Turkey’s Military Action in Syria

Doha (January 23, 2018): Qatar has vowed to support Turkey’s military hostile against kurdish army in Syria on Monday.

“The state of Qatar reaffirmed its help to those exertions of the Republic of Turkey to maintain its national security in the get of the breaches and terrorist strike conveyed out inside turkish territories,” outside service representative Lolwa Al-Khater said.Addressing to Qatari Media on Monday, Khater added that Turkey’s propel about operation Olive Branch might have been “driven by real worries identified with its national security What’s more securing its borders, and also protecting the territorial integrity of syria from the risk for secession”.

Qatar’s announcement originated Similarly as Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan vowed on venture up an offensive against kurdish targets done neighboring Syria Iraq. Those operation, which incorporates an air Furthermore ground campaign including Ankara-backed Syrian rebels, means to expel the People’s Protection Units (YPG) from Afrin clinched alongside northern syria.
Turkey views the YPG as a terror group and an offshoot of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which has long fought for autonomy.

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