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Justice Trudeau Joins Malala in Panel Discussion on Education

Davos (January 25, 2018): Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau joined Nobel Peace Prize winner and honorary Canadian citizen Malala Yousafzai in a panel discussion on creating a shared future through Education and Empowerment in Davos, Switzerland.

The discussion focused on the equal rights to get education should be given to the boys and girls. In the start, Malala Yousafzai speaks on the problems in getting education for girls are far more than boys and this issue varies country to country and region to region.She pointed out that in some parts girls can’t have an education because of poverty, lack of transport, because there is no school near their community, in other parts it is because of social issues including child marriages or not being allowed to go out.

The advocate of girls’ education, Malala added that the issues related to the girls’ education should be addressed properly in every region of the world.

“Malala Foundation is reaching out to advocates in Pakistan, Latin America, Nigeria, India and around the world, empowering them so they help strengthen the system through teacher training, e-learning and also focusing on empowering girls”, she expressed.Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau said in his views that, in two weeks Canada would be announcing doubling its annual contribution to $180 million in the world partnership for education.

In the end, Malala Yousafzai said that each and every action that we take matters when talking about women’s empowerment.

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