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Putin Ready to Kill Brits by the Thousands: Williamson

Web-Desk (January 26, 2018): Russia plotting Attack on UK that could kill thousands, Britain’s Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson has warned.

 Williamson says that, Russia has plans to hit UK’s infrastructure that could kill thousands and thousands as they plunge the country into “chaos”.

Vladimir Putin’s forces are not preparing for a ground invasion of the UK but have planned a brutal assault on critical services including the National Grid, Gavin Williamson has claimed.

Mr Williamson said: “What they are looking at doing is they are going to be thinking ‘How can we just cause so much pain to Britain?’.

“Damage its economy, rip its infrastructure apart, actually cause thousands and thousands and thousands of deaths, but actually have an element of creating total chaos within the country.”

He added that, Russia is ready to take actions “that any other nation would see as completely unacceptable”.Pointing out the risks UK Cabinet member said: “The plan for the Russians won’t be for landing craft to appear in the South Bay in Scarborough and off Brighton Beach.”

This follows warnings that the underwater cables which link much of the UK’s broadband capacity to US servers were unguarded and vulnerable to Russian attack.

Three underwater natural gas lines and four electricity interconnectors allow the UK to trade energy with Europe and supply power to three million homes.A further five million homes are set to rely on the infrastructure under the English Channel as more connection are completed.

Secretary for the Defence has claimed these vital connections are in Russia’s sights.

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