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‘World’s Oldest Man’ Dies in Spain at 113

Web-Desk (January 30, 2018): The World’s Oldest Man Francisco Nunez Olivera, born in December 1904, died Monday night at his home in the north of Seville.

“He died with the affection of his family and the love of his family and with the admiration of all his countrymen,” Bienvenida’s authorities wrote on Facebook.Olivera was known as Marchena because in his youth he resembled the flamenco singer Pepe Marchena, though the centenarian has gathered his own fame after the process of confirming his age began in 2016.

Though the destruction of his birth records in the Spanish Civil War makes certainty difficult, he is believed to have become the world’s oldest man after the death of Polish-Israeli Holocaust survivor Yisrael Kristal in August.

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