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11 Countries To Fund Palestine After US Cuts

Jerusalem (January 31, 2018): After the US President Donald Trump’s move to cut aid to the UN agency for Palestinians, 11 nations have rushed to deliver their funds early.

The head of the agency for Palestinian refugees Pierre Krahenbuhl said Tuesday that Germany, Russia, and nine European countries have agreed to speed up their contributions to help fill a shortfall left by the Trump administration’s decision to greatly reduce crucial US funding.Krahenbuhl has also made an emergency appeal for over $800 million to provide assistance to 5 million Palestinian refugees and their descendants in Gaza, the West Bank and Syria. The UNRWA provides food, water, shelter, medical assistance and educational programs.

The US has been the largest donor, giving one-third of the total budget. The Trump administration withheld half of the first instalment of payments this year, demanding reforms as a condition for future aid.Germany, Russia, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark have already provided their complete annual donations, while Kuwait, the Netherlands, Belgium and Ireland have vowed to deliver the full funds “very soon.”

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