Abb Takk News

Kashmir Council-EU Pledges Solidarity With the People of IOK

Brussels (February 05, 2018): Kashmir Council EU organized a demonstration in Brussels, the capital of Belgium to express solidarity with oppressed people of Indian occupied Kashmir (IOK).

A large number of people from all walks of life, as well as representatives of different NGOs and human rights organizations, attended the gathering held at the corner of Rue Billiard and Avenue Des Arts near Brussels’ Trone Metro station situated between American Embassy and Belgium’s Prime Minister house. European Parliament placed in the background of the scene.An event of candle lights vigil was also arranged during the demonstration which was attended by the people while holding torch lights.

On the occasion, Chairman Kashmir Council EU Ali Raza Syed and other speakers said, we will continue our support to the people of Kashmir till suitable resolution of the Kashmir dispute.

The speakers said people of Kashmir are struggling peacefully for right of self-determination and there should be plebiscite under United Nations supervision in Indian occupied Kashmir (IOK)

Meanwhile, President of Kashmir European Alliance Sardar Pervez Mehmood in a statement cautioned against the intensive militarism in South Asia.He said, “Modern India has no respect for international law, UN resolutions or international agreements.  India prides itself on being a culture and civilisation that developed and embodied the age of enlightenment, norms and obligations.”

But India, he added, is no longer holding its promises despite all the fine talk about the imperative of democracy, human rights and freedom.