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No Hidden Deals In New Silk Road Initiative: Wang Yi

Beijing (March 08, 2018): The Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has said on Thursday that China’s huge Belt and Road initiative to build a new Silk Road will respect global rules and be free of “backroom deals”.

Unveiled in 2013, the Belt and Road project is aimed at connecting China by land and sea to Southeast Asia, Pakistan and Central Asia, and beyond to the Middle East, Europe and Africa.Xi pledged $124 billion for the plan at a summit last May but it has faced suspicion in Western capitals that it is intended more to assert Chinese influence than Beijing’s professed desire to spread prosperity and that it will mostly benefit Chinese companies.

Speaking at a news conference on the sidelines of the annual meeting of parliament, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said the Belt and Road was a “sunshine initiative” that was open and for all to benefit from.

Wang said China was committed to best international practice.

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