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Pakistan Wins Elections To Two Key UN Bodies

New York (April 17, 2018): Pakistan’s ambassador to the United Nations Maleeha Lodhi has tweeted on Tuesday that Pakistan has been re-elected as the member of two key UN bodies, the United Nations’ Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and executive board of UNICEF.

Maleeha Lodhi in series of tweets states that as a member of the Committee on NGOs Pakistan will continue to enhance cooperation by the UN with civil society organisations working alongside governments to improve the lives of people across the world.

She also paid Pakistan’s gratitude to the international community at the UN for their support, adding that Pakistan has played an important role in the committee since its establishment, putting in significant effort to work and campaign for human and children’s rights on an international level and will continue its efforts to achieving the goals.

She also congratulated the team Pakistan for their hard work to achieve the task they were assigned.

Membership of Pakistan in the UN Economic and Social Council’s (ECOSOC) standing committee to be commenced from January 1, 2019, and will continue through 2022 as it has been re-elected for the period of four years.

ECOSOC elected Bahrain, China, India and Pakistan (Asia‑Pacific States) for a four-year term, beginning January 1, 2019. While Brazil, Cuba, Mexico and Nicaragua were also elected as members to represent the Latin American and Caribbean states.

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