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Guterres Calls For Maintaining Iranian Nuclear Deal

Web Desk(April 26, 2018): United Nations’s Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says Iranian nuclear deal is “very important and it should be maintained”. 

UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric in a statement said the Secretary General believes “We must build on this important achievement to preserve the non-proliferation regime which is a cornerstone of our global security.”Antonio Guterres met with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and discussed Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief.

Earlier, speaking before US lawmakers from both the Senate and the House, French President, Macron pressed the United States to engage more in global affairs, contrasting with the steps the Trump White House has taken toward isolationism since he came into office.

Macron also pushed the US to rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement, which Trump announced his country would leave last year, and made the case for supporting the Iran nuclear deal, which Trump has sharply condemned.“The 21st century has brought a series of new threats and new challenges that our ancestors might have never imagined,” Macron said. “We can build the 21st century world order based on a new breed multilateralism, based on a more effective, accountable, and results-oriented multilateralism.”

On the other hand,  Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani rejected any hopes of rewriting a nuclear deal with world powers Wednesday, while his French counterpart vowed to US lawmakers that everything would be done to stop Iran ever acquiring atomic weapons.

In their different ways, Europe, Iran and Russia are all seeking to convince US President Donald Trump not to abandon the landmark 2015 deal that curbed Iran’s nuclear programme in exchange for sanctions relief.Trump has called the existing accord “insane” and “ridiculous”, in part because its restrictions start to expire in 2025. But addressing the US Congress on the last of his pomp-filled, three-day visit to Washington, French President Emmanuel Macron said: “Iran shall never possess any nuclear weapons. Not now. Not in five years. Not in 10 years. Never.”

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