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Death toll rises to 74 in Occupied Kashmir as Indian atrocities continue

Indian brutality in Occupied Kashmir continued as death toll has reached to 74 in the month of July in the hands of Indian forces which included four women and 12 children while Indian forces also raped 90 Kashmiri women.

Curfew has been imposed in the valley for 25 days while Kashmir media service informed that as many as 5000 Kashmiris were injured in Indian army’s brutalities on Kashmiri masses.

On the other side thousands of Kashmiris were deprived of their visions through use of pellet by Indian forces on Kashmiris people.

Many districts of the valley have been made prison by deploying heavy contingents of army troops  while curfew and cordon in the area have made people without food.

The All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) has appealed to extend strike till 5 August against Indian atrocities in the Occupied Kashmir.