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Faults in Modern technology as google short cut goes wrong compelling family to suffer

BELAGAVI: A Bihar-based family, travelling from Ujjain to Goa, found themselves in a precarious situation in the Shiroli forest of Khanapur taluka after following incorrect GPS navigation.

The Khanapur police’s prompt response led to their successful rescue.

On a Wednesday night, Rajdas Ranjitadas and his family, comprising two men and two women, became disoriented whilst following GPS directions that mistakenly directed them into the depths of the Shiroli forest.

Without mobile network coverage and unable to find their way out, the anxious family remained in their vehicle throughout the night.

On Thursday morning, the family discovered a location with limited network coverage and contacted the emergency services helpline number 112.

The Khanapur police responded immediately, with assistant sub-inspector KI Badigar and officer Jairam Hanmanawar tracking the family’s position through their live location. The officers traversed 31 kilometres through forest areas to reach the stranded vehicle and comfort the family.

The police provided nourishment and assistance to the troubled family upon arrival.

Subsequently, the officers assisted them in returning to the proper route towards Goa.

The Das family members expressed their gratitude to the police, acknowledging their efficiency and compassionate approach during the rescue operation.

Officer KI Badiger said the family sent its stranded location to the control room in the Belagavi SP office.

“After getting that map location, we followed the route and reached the family,” he said. According to police sources, such incidents often happen in that forest due to the wrong direction by Google Maps.