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UN Secretary General calls upon governments to protect religious freedom

United Nations: UN Secretary General António Guterres has called upon governments to foster social cohesion and protect religious freedom.

In his message on the International Day to Combat Islamophobia, he expressed concerns over a disturbing rise in anti-Muslim bigotry.

He emphasized that online platforms must curb hate speech and harassment.

The UN secretary General said that  as Muslims around the world come together to mark the holy month of Ramadan, many do so in fear – fear of discrimination, exclusion, and even violence.

We are witnessing a disturbing rise in anti-Muslim bigotry:

From racial profiling and discriminatory policies that violate human rights and dignity, to outright violence against individuals and places of worship.

This is part of a wider scourge of intolerance, extremist ideologies, and attacks against religious groups and vulnerable populations.

When one group is attacked, the rights and freedoms of all are at risk.

As a global community, we must reject and eradicate bigotry.

Governments must foster social cohesion and protect religious freedom.

Online platforms must curb hate speech and harassment.

And we must all speak out against bigotry, xenophobia, and discrimination.

On this International Day to Combat Islamophobia, let us work together to uphold equality, human rights and dignity, and build inclusive societies where everyone, regardless of their faith, can live in peace and harmony.

Message of OIC Secretary General

In his message, OIC Secretary General Hissein Brahim Taha said anti-Muslim incidents continue to multiply, with online hate speech, attacks on places of worship and persistent discrimination.

He said the OIC in collaboration with its partners, continues to promote effective strategies against Islamophobia, strengthen legal protections for minorities and combat religious hatred in all its forms.

He said interfaith and intercultural dialogue is essential to building lasting bridges of understanding.