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Govt Can Think Of Amending NAB Laws In The Best Interest Of Public: Shahzad

Islamabad: Adviser on Accountability and Interior Shahzad Akbar said the government can think of amending NAB laws in the best interest of the public instead of safeguarding any individual’s corruption.

He was winding up the discussion on a motion moved by Leader of the Opposition Raja Zafar-ul-Haq and others regarding the egregious human rights and media trials committed by NAB in its victimization of targeted opposition workers in the Upper House of the Parliament today.

The Adviser said that government is ready to sit with the Opposition for dialogue but only on public interest issues.

He said Pakistan’s accountability regime is in line with international democracies. He said that in India CBA deals such kind of cases in which they arrest people without warrants.

Shahzad Akbar said Pakistan is bound to have an accountability bureau under the United Nations’ Convention on corruption. Latest rulings of FATF also suggest to make anti-corruption laws more stringent. NAB laws related to the arrest of accused have gone through judicial scrutiny.

He said according to a report of NAB, the bureau recovered 389 billion rupees in last two years.

He said most of the cases against opposition’s leaders were registered in their governments vindicating PTI’s stance of no interference in NAB cases. He said it also rejects opposition’s accusation of political victimization in NAB cases.

The Advisor said to improve the NAB laws and to halt the abuse of power, we introduced an ordinance but it lapsed in the house due to opposition’s non-cooperative attitude.