Lahore: Ameer Jamat-e-Islami (JI) Siraj Ul Haq has said that shelter homes and langar khnaay and mobile truck kitchen are solution to the problems of the country instead new factories and employment.
Commenting on the ruling PTI new initiative of Ehsas Koyi Bhoka Na Soye (EKBNS) program, the JI Chief said that nations can not move forward with slavery but from automatic system.
Siraj Ul Haq said that the rulers in the guise of spreading a net of mobile truck kitchen are throwing a net of slavery on the nation adding that it is first target of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to make country weak economically.
He said that the inflation has turned into dangerous form and before advent of holy month of Ramzan the prices of essential food items have increased multiple times.
The JI Ameer said that it is requirement of Ramzan Ul Mubark sanctity and respect that common man be provided with facilities while he said that the Islamic system can only guarantee of prosperity in the country.