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Internal Discussion Of PM Imran and Shaukat Tareen Meeting Surfaces

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan on Sunday expressed complete confidence on the abilities of newly appointed Finance Minister Shaukat Tareen.

Federal Minister for Finance Shaukat Tareen held an important meeting with PM Imran Khan and discussed matters pertaining to economic situation of the country.

Sources said that economists, financial experts, Federal Minister Hamad Azhar and social media members of the ruling party were also present in the meeting. The meeting took place at the Prime Minister s House two days ago.

The participants of the meeting questioned Shaukat Tareen about his economic plan.

Responding to a question regarding his interview to a private TV channel about government s economic plan and a comment in a television interview on the country’s economic situation, he said that what was said in the TV interview was not only about the present government, adding that he couldn’t provide a full account of the economic situation in a short time.

He claimed that the discussion on the economic situation was a reference to past governments.

The prime minister while expressing full confidence on the abilities of Shaukat Tarin said that he knows him for over 35 years and he was also a part of Board of Governors of Shaukat Khanum Hospital, adding that the newly appointed finance minister will work with better planning for further stability in economic affairs.

On the occasion, Shaukat Tarin said that based on his 49 years of economic experience, the only solution to the economic problems is to bring the GDP growth to at least 6 to 7 percent.

To another question regarding State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) Governor, Tarin said that Reza Baqir did the best reform work, there is no possibility of his change.