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Talks Between Govt and TLP Successful: Shaikh Rasheed

Islamabad: Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmad has said talks between the government and proscribed outfit Tehreek-e-Labaik Pakistan have remained successful.

In a video message, he said it has been agreed that the TLP will call off its sit-ins across the country including at Masjid ul Rahmatul Lil Alameen.

He said the cases registered against TLP activists including those under the Fourth Schedule will also be withdrawn and that the process of talks will be taken forward.

The Interior Minister said a resolution will be presented in the National Assembly today on the expulsion of French Ambassador from the country.

Meanwhile, the National Assembly session which was earlier scheduled to take place on Thursday is now being held at three this afternoon. A notification

regarding change in schedule of the session was issued by the National Assembly secretariat this morning.