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No Muslim Can Tolerate Disrespect Of Prophet Muhammad PBUH: Buzdar

Lahore: Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has said that no Muslim can tolerate disrespect of our beloved prophet (PBUH) at any cost.

In his message on Tuesday, the CM Punjab said that the repect of last prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is madatory part of faith of every muslim. No Muslim can tolerate derespect against Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Sardar Usman Buzdar said that God Almighty sent prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as mercy for all the worlds. The prophet Muhammad PBUH declared practical example of the Quran which has guidance and instructions for all the human beings.

He said that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through his character gave lessons of peace, respect for humanity, equaity, forgiveness, justice. Hazrat Muhammad PBUH became example for the whole world through his character.

The CM said that we found the lesson from Sunnah of (PBUH) to solve the problem with understanding and negotiations. It is demand of love of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) we solve our differences through in the light of reconciliatory strategy.

He said that our mother land demands from us to be united, agreed and we are bound to retire this debt of motherland.