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Interior Ministry Decides To Close All Tourist Spots From May 8 To 16

Islamabad: Interior Ministry has decided closure of all tourist spots from May 8 to 16 whileSOPs for aitakaf, Shabe Qadar and Eid prayers will also be issued.

On the instructions of Natioanal Command and Operation Center (NCOC) has issued circular for the closure.

As per the circular during the Eid holidays all the tourist spots, public parks, hotels, shopping malls will be closed.While all public transport will be closed as well.

According to the circular only citizens of Gilgit and Baltistan are allowed to go to their areas while all the way to Northern areas, Muree, Swat and Galliat will be closed.

During the Eid holidays uninterrupted supply of electricity will be ensured, circular added.