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Sindh Budget For Fiscal Year 2021-22 To Be Presented Today

Karachi: Sindh budget for the next fiscal year 2021-22 will be presented in provincial assembly in Karachi on Tuesday.

Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah who also holds Finance Minister’s portfolio will present the budget proposals in the House.

The Sindh government will announce over 1,300 billion provincial budget 2021-22 at 3pm today. Rs222 billion have been proposed for the provincial development programme.

The provincial budget for the year 2021-22 proposes a 20 to 25 per cent raise in salaries and pensions of the government employees. The minimum wage for the labourers is expected to be set at Rs25,000, the sources said.

The provincial government will announce a special development package for Karachi in the new budget, with an allocation of Rs24 billion for launching 10 new mega projects for the metropolis.

The budget papers propose 55 per cent allocation of total development budget for education, health and the law and order, according to sources.

In new Sindh budget, recruitment in the police department and raise in announces will likely to be announced.