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OTCA Closes Oil Supply To Whole Country As Protest

Karachi: Oil Tankers Contractors Association (OTCA) has gone on strike today (Thursday) for the fulfillment of their demands.

On the first day of strike, the OTCA has closed supply of oil all across the country while the OTCA has demanded to decrease income tax rates from three percent to two percent.

The OTCA said that they have completely closed loading and off-loading of tankers service as a protest and all the trucks are stopped at their current locations.

The Association also demanded to slash withholding rates from 3.5 percent to 2.5 percent.

President OTCA Abid Ullah Afridi said that Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) is not stopping the illegal and commercial loading despite ban on it.

He said that one year has passed minister for petroleum had ensured to resolve all the matter while the tax has been incresaed on us which is tottally unfair.

The President OTCA demanded that oil tankers should be provided road share of White Oil Pipeline Project adding that the strike will continue until fulfillment of their demands.