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Minar-e-Pakistan Harrasment Case: Woman TikToker Identifies Six Suspects

LAHORE: A woman TikToker who was assaulted and harassed at Minar-e-Pakistan on Independence Day Wednesday recognized 6 people during an identification parade for their alleged role in the entire episode.

According to sources in the Lahore prison, the identification parade began today and the TikToker identified 6 people who were allegedly present on the occasion and took part in the assault.

“A total of 104 people have so far been paraded before the victim,” they said.

On August 28, the woman refused to attend the identification parade at the Lahore jail citing illness and Magistrate Noman Nasir had to return without the process.

The TikToker conveyed that she was not feeling well and could not attend the proceeding as 144 people had to be paraded before her during the identification process.

The authorities later had to reschedule the process for today.

During the previous identification parade, the woman TikToker identified three suspects for their involvement in the entire episode.