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Difficult decisions must have to be taken for improvement of the economy: Ishaq Dar

Islamabad: Finance Minister Ishaq Dar has said that for improvement in economy difficult decisions will must have to be taken owing to which people will face inflation and increase in poverty.

Delivering the budget speech, Finance Minister Ishaq Dar said that with devaluation of rupee the country’s miseries have multiplied.

In start of the speech the financial czar presented comparison between past PML-N government from 2013 to 2018 and PTI from 2018 to 2022.

Ishaq Dar alleges ex finance minister in Imran Khan regime Shaukat Tareen that he conspired to end the IMF program.

He claimed that the biggest loan was taken in the history of the country in Imran Khan era as compare to 71 years from 1947 to 2018.

He apprised that Pakistan debt was Rs 250 trillion in 2018 which owing to the PTI mismanagement and the highest budget deficits climbed to Rs 490 trillion.

He said that the PTI wanted that the country could not be saved from default.