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800 Israelis killed including 73 soldiers, 2400 injured in Hamas attacks on Israel

Occupied Al-Quds: As many as 800 Israelis including 73 soldiers were killed while more than 2400 sustained injuries in Hamas Operation Al-Quds Flood on third of battle.

Hamas has made 130 Israelis citizens and soldiers prisoners.

On the other hand in the barbaric attacks and aggression of Israel has martyred 510 Palestinians while 2700 others inured.

An Israeli airstrike has killed 19 members of a Palestinian family in a Gaza refugee camp, according to a foreign news agency.

The permanent observer mission of the state of Palestine to the UN has issued a response to the Israel-Hamas war, saying that “these developments did not occur in a vacuum”. “They are preceded by the killing this year of hundreds of Palestinians … and preceded by decades of Israel’s unrelenting military raids on Palestinian villages, towns, cities and refugee camps,” it said.

The Israel Defense Force (IDF) has said fighting is ongoing in seven or eight areas, including one active hostage situation in Kfar Aza kibbutz. Hamas cells are still entering Israel, or crossing back and forth. Not all breaches of the fence have been secured yet.

Spokesperson for the IDF, Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Conricus, said “almost 48 hours into the fighting … the situation in Israel is a dire one”. “It is by far the worst day in Israeli history. Never before have so many Israelis been killed by one single thing on one day.”

Israeli rescue service Zaka said that its paramedics have removed approximately 260 bodies from a music festival that was attacked by Hamas. Videos posted online showed festival goers running frantically and getting into cars after the attacks