Abb Takk News

Affects of Biparjoy surfaces as feeders of several grid stations tripped in Hyderabad, other areas

Hyderabad: The affect of tropical cyclone Biparjoy has surfaced in Hyderabad as speedy winds and rains lashed in the second big city of Sindh.

Owing to Biparjoy storm the supply of electricity started to suffer. As per the Hyderabad Electric Supply Cooperation (HESCO) spokesperson, owing to gusty winds 132 KV tower number 3 has fallen.

A circuit of Ladiyoo transmission line has tripped, as per the spokesperson of the HESCO. Owing to heavy rains seven feeders grid station of Umarkot tripped, spokesperson added.

The spokesperson further said that seven feeders of Badin grid station also tripped while 4 feeders of Golarchi grid station tripped as well.