Abb Takk News

Nothing Is Agreed Until Everything Is Agreed, Khalilzad For Qatar Talks

KABUL: US Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad said in his tweet that ‘nothing is agreed until everything is agreed, and everything must include an intra-Afghan dialogue and comprehensive ceasefire.”.

The statement came forth after ‘more productive’ meeting held in Qatar between representatives of Afghan Taliban and US officials for peace negotiations in war-torn Afghanistan.

The US negotiators on Saturday agreed a draft peace deal on Saturday stipulating the withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan within 18 months of the agreement being signed, Reuters reported

The details were given to Reuters by Taliban sources at the end of six days of talks with US special peace envoy Zalmay Khalilzad in Qatar aimed at ending the United States’ longest war.

Khalilzad said that the meeting were more productive than they have been in the past and they have made significant progress on vital issues.

He admitted that the United States have a number of issues left to work out, however, some agreements were made during the talks.

US Special Envoy Zalmay Khalilzad asked Taliban to hold talks with the Afghan government and said the talks should be aimed at reforms and not a demand by the Taliban to control Afghanistan, Tolo News reported.

However, according to the sources, Taliban has not responded to this call by Khalilzad.

Up until now, the Taliban has repeatedly rejected the Afghan government’s offer of holding talks, preferring instead to talk directly to the US side, which it regards as its main enemy.

Based on unconfirmed reports, Taliban’s representatives will visit Kabul soon to talk with the Afghan government.

Initially scheduled for only two days, Monday and Tuesday this week, the Doha talks have continued through the week and according to sources were extended for a sixth day on Saturday.