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Age Discrimination: Quadragenarian software engineers file lawsuit against Google

A US court allowed more software engineers over the age of 40 years who were interviewed by tech giant Google but was not employed by the company to come forward be a part of the lawsuit against the company for age discrimination.

The suit was brought by two over-40 job applicants who were interviewed but was not offered job by Google.

According to a US publication the judge also allowed turning the lawsuit into a “collective action” meaning that people who “interviewed in person with Google for a software engineer, site reliability engineer, or systems engineer position when they were 40 years old or older, and received notice on or after August 28, 2014, that they were refused employment, will have an opportunity to join in the collective action against Google.

A spokesperson told us, Saying that Google believe the allegations are without merit the company’s spokesperson has said that the company will continue to defend its position vigorously.