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AJK’s CEC Urges PM To Stop Ministers From Violating Electoral Cod Of Conduct

MUZAFFARABAD: AJK’s Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Justice retired Rasheed Sulheria has urged Prime Minister (PM) Imran Khan to stop federal and provincial ministers from violating the electoral code of conduct for Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) polls.

In a letter, penned to the premier after a video showing federal minister Ali Amin Gandapur distributing cash, the CEC has said that no government resources should be used against or in favor of any political party.

The minister should be barred from violating the code of conduct released for the legislative assembly polls. “The federal, AJK and provincial governments should ensure transparent and impartial polls.”

The candidate will be declared ineligible if the authorities find any violation in his constituency, the commissioner clarified.