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An Absconder Misleading Masses From London: Hammad Azhar

ISLAMABAD: Minister for State for revenue Hammad Azhar has declared former finance minister Ishaq Dar as economic hit-man of the Pakistani economy adding that an absconder sitting in London was misleading the nation.

. “He did not surrender himself to the courts as per the law of Pakistan. And he is directly responsible for the economic mess we are in. Yet he still [has the audacity] to come on TV and ask that the ‘contract’ — because that’s how his brain works — of this economy be handed to him,” Hammad said while talking to media in Islamabad.

Ishaq Dar damaged the country economy adding that his claim of agreement with the IMF regarding increasing dollar price is baseless.

“‘We are reaping what you sowed. We are mending your mistakes, but God willing, when the economy is through this stabilisation phase, it will flourish in a way it never has before.”

Azhar vehemently denied that the government has already agreed on a dollar rate with the International Monetary Fund, as accused by Dar, saying that any such suggestions are a ploy to destabilise the economy.

Azhar also gave an update on an impending tax amnesty scheme as well as plans to boost tax collections, saying: “We are about to start an aggressive tax broadening scheme. Those who had managed to evade the tax net will now not be able to do so. A serious thought currently being pondered is to give them a chance to regularise [their assets] but that is from the point of view of broadening the tax net.

The minister said that draw was held in FBR for taxpayers audit adding that 14000 taxpayers audit will be conducted in the current year.

He informed that 44,000 taxpayers were selected for the audit last year but most of the audits are in pending.