Abb Takk News

Appointment of EC members: Parliamentary committee meeting on July 25

Sources revealed the meeting of government-opposition joint parliamentary committee will be held on July 25, however both have finalized the election commission members names while committee will elect one member of the given three members each from opposition and ruling party.

Talking to media, after the meeting with Finance minister Ishaq Dar, opposition leader Khrusheed Shah said that  government and opposition have given three names from each province as committee was trying to avoid include the disputed personalities with intention to included the persons those have no political relation.

Ishaq Dar, on the occasion, said that he has met opposition leader time and aging to that the names should be finalized with consultation.

” The final decision will be taken by the committee on July 25 and trying to issue the notification on the same day,” he added ruling and opposition have done their work now ball in committee court.