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Attack on Midwife Training Centre in Afghanistan

Jalalabad (July 28, 2018): Midwife training centre, located in Jalalabad city of Nangarhar province, Afghanistan, has been attacked.

According to Afghanistan media, Attaullah Khogyani, the provincial government spokesperson has confirmed that a number of explosions in the eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad and gunshots could be heard in the area of a dormitory for trainee midwives.According to eye-witnesses, three attackers barged into the training centre to attack trainees of the centre. However, at least some of the students, most of them from Nuristan province in eastern Afghanistan, had been evacuated from the building.

The attack is the latest in a series to have hit Jalalabad in recent weeks, causing dozens of casualties. Security forces and ambulances reached the scene after the attack, and have surrounded the spot.

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