KARACHI: The four-year old child Deedar, who was suffering from liver disease, died at Jinnah Hospital Karachi due to the apathy of the provincial government towards his treatment.
The boy hailing from Badin was suffering from liver disease and was taken to Karachi for treatment by his parents.
As the family comes from a very humble background, the parents ran from pillar to post to get their son treated for the ailment.
AbbTakk New highlighted the issue as Deedarr father staged sit-in outside Karachi Press Club to invite attentions of government authorities to get his son treated.
The poor father also held protest outside Sindh Assembly inviting attention of the rulers towards his sufferings. After weeks long protest, the government issued notification regarding treatment of the child at government’s expenses.
However, Agha Khan Hospital recommended that the child be sent to Islamabad or SIUT for treatment as he faces liver failure.
The child was admitted in Jinnah hospital where he died during treatment. Following his death, his father and other relative staged sit-in outside Karachi Press Club along with the body of the child against Sindh Health Minister for his lack of interest in treatment of the child.
They demanded that the Minister be sacked. The protester tried to march toward Chief Minister’s House, but police did not allow them to proceed toward CM House. The protest is going on outside KPC for the last eight hours.
Meanwhile, PTI MPA Khurram Sheir Zaman visited the bereaved family at Press Club to show solidarity with them. Talking to media, Zaman said that the government come forward and console the family and help them.
He said that the government did not took interest in treatment of the ailing child.