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British PM Arrives In Brussels To Hold Talks With EU Leaders

Brussels: Theresa May arrives in Brussels for crunch talks insisting the UK will not be “trapped” in Brexit backstop arrangements.

The Prime Minister was greeted by European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker as she arrived at the Berlaymont.

Mrs May is meeting EU leaders in the wake of the latest war of words between the two sides.

The spat was triggered by European Council president Donald Tusk saying there was a “special place in hell” for those who pushed for Brexit without a plan.

She is expected to stress that changes to the Withdrawal Agreement will be needed to ensure legally binding guarantees regarding the backstop.

May insists she has a clear mandate from Parliament to seek fresh, binding guarantees on the issue from Brussels.

The PM will hold talks with European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker, European Council president Donald Tusk and other senior EU figures during her trip to Brussels.

Mrs May is also set to meet European Parliament Brexit coordinator Guy Verhofstadt who joined in with Mr Tusk’s Brexit “hell” analogy.

Mr Verhofstadt tweeted that Lucifer would not welcome such Brexiteers because “after what they did to Britain they would even manage to divide Hell”.

Downing Street said Mrs May is “open to different ways” of achieving her objectives on the backstop.

The PM will use the meetings to state Parliament has sent “an unequivocal message that change is required”.