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Can hair straightening cause kidney issues? Doctors warn of rare, serious risk

Abudhabi: Doctors in the UAE have emphasised that routine hair-straightening procedures may occasionally result in minor side effects like skin irritations, and serious complications like kidney-related problems.

However, they also highlighted that no serious cases related to this have been observed in the country.

Their cautionary advice stems from a recent incident that has drawn attention to the potential risks associated with keratin treatments, urging people to be informed about the possible harmful effects before undergoing such procedures.

In a recent study published in The New England Journal of Medicine, doctors reported a case involving a woman who suffered kidney damage following a hair-straightening treatment at a salon.

Dr Paulose P Thomas, specialist nephrologist at Medeor Hospital, Dubai, said, “Various chemicals are commonly employed in hair straightening treatments and hair dyes. While generally safe, they can occasionally trigger side effects in individuals sensitive to them.”

“The most frequent side effect is an allergic skin reaction. In rare cases, small amounts of these substances may be absorbed into the bloodstream, potentially leading to allergic interstitial nephritis — a serious condition characterized by severe kidney failure, sometimes necessitating dialysis,” Dr Thomas added.

Medics explained that this reaction occurs in individuals with a heightened sensitivity to these chemicals. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment can reverse the condition, enabling full recovery for the patient.

They pointed out that symptoms such as weakness, joint pains, skin rash, and reduced urine output should be promptly addressed and thoroughly investigated.

“The primary course of action should be avoidance of the chemical that has been identified as problematic for an individual. However, in cases of kidney failure, patients may require medication, including dialysis, to manage the issue. Fortunately, this intervention is often reversible,” added Thomas.

Dr Mohammad Shamma, specialist nephrologist at Zulekha Hospital, Dubai and Sharjah, said, “Many women worldwide avail keratin hair treatment to experience the benefits of having smooth, shiny, and frizz-free hair. For keratin hair treatment, the hair is treated with a straightening cream that contains the chemical glycolic acid, which is likely to have caused the burning sensation (referring to the case) on the scalp and the ulcers.”

Dr Swathi Dembala, specialist dermatology at Aster Cedars Hospital and Clinic, Jebel Ali, pointed out routine hair straightening using any chemical products as well as other methods “can result in damage to hair shaft and hence are not advisable.”

“Glyoxylic acid and glycolic acid have a strong hair straightening effect which is usually used in keratin-based hair-straightening. Inadvertent systemic absorption may sometimes lead to toxic effects on the kidneys. Caution is advised while using such products available in the market,” she added.

Shamma also explained that the formation of oxalate crystals can elevate the risk of acute kidney injury (AKI). “Earlier, keratin-based hair treatment creams contained formaldehyde which was replaced by glycolic acid as a potentially safer alternative.”

He added, “However, as per recent studies, it is likely that if you’re having symptoms of kidney damage, it might be because of the hair treatment products. So, here the wise thing is to be aware of the signs of kidney damage to help diagnose, treat, and prevent kidney damage.”

Shamma affirmed that during his professional tenure so far, he hasn’t come across such instances in the country. “During my time working in the Emirates, I did not encounter any case of kidney failure resulting from hair straightening.”

“Unfortunately, there are no early symptoms or signs that indicate the occurrence of kidney failure. Laboratory tests for kidney function remain the only way to early detect any defect in kidney function,” added Shamma.