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Canada Heat Wave: Death Toll Rises to 54

Montreal (July 07, 2018): The death toll in a week-long eastern Canadian heat wave has reached 54.

According to International media reports, Central and Eastern Canada enveloped in heat received a respite with cooler temperatures. While, the other victims were reported in the southwest of the French-Canadian province, Quebec which had a forecast a of 35°C (95 F) but the heat index made it feel like 45°C.  54 people are now believed to have died from heat-related complications.Most of the victims linked to the overwhelming heat were in the Montreal area, which recorded 28 fatalities.

Regional public health director Mylene Drouin informed that most of the victims in Montreal were men in their 50s or older, and living in vulnerable conditions without air conditioning.

The stifling weather also blanketed Ontario and parts of Atlantic Canada, no deaths have been reported elsewhere, mercury has since June 29 regularly topped 30°C, accompanied by stifling humidity levels.In 2010, around 100 people in the Montreal area died when extreme heat stifled the area.

Citizens are turning towards parks and other cooler spots to tackle this situation.

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