Abb Takk News

WEB DESK: The causes of heart attack in young adult came out.

A study by the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom revealed that the consumption of foods rich in sugar, fat and calories in childhood significantly increase the risk of heart attack and stroke in adulthood.

 Researchers examined data from a study from the 1990s that examined the dietary habits of more than 4,700 children. 

The study also looked at what the children ‘s diets were at ages 7, 10 and 13 , followed by an examination of their coronary artery health at ages 17 and 24 

The results showed that children who ate foods high in fat and sugar at age 7 had narrowed arteries at age 17 compared to other children.

Narrowing of the arteries increases blood pressure and makes the heart work harder, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke. 

According to the researchers, aging naturally has negative effects on the heart’s arteries, but smoking or diabetes accelerates this process  

But it has now been discovered that poor dietary habits in childhood also effect the health of the arteries of heart.