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Chile: Woman Mayor Sprints Away From Journalists Mid-interview

Santiago: Politicians around the world are often accused of evading difficult questions, but a local mayor in Chile took things to the next level by literally running from reporters.

Evelyn Matthei, mayor of Providencia commune in Santiago de Chile, had been approached by journalists in the street and was taking questions when she suddenly sprinted away from them.

Chile has been rocked by protests in recent weeks, and Matthei has spoken out against the government’s handling of the crisis.

She was also asked to become a government minister in President Sebastian Pinera’s cabinet reshuffle, but rejected his approach.

Clad in a yellow safety vest, Matthei broke out of the scrum with a quick jog. “She’s run off,” said a correspondent from local channel Mega. “She doesn’t want to talk anymore.” According to the channel, she had planned to help direct street traffic.

Matthei, 65, soon opened up a small lead over the shocked press corps, who gave chase.

“Luckily we’re in good physical shape,” said the correspondent as he hurried to catch up to her. Once neck and neck, he asked whether she felt that she had been unfairly treated by the press — only inspiring Matthei to dig deep and sprint ahead once more.

The surreal scene ended a few seconds later, as the mayor slowed to a walk, allowing the journalist to ask another question as the video cut off.

Matthei later posted the clip on her official twitter feed, set to the tune of the Rocky theme song. “A bit of exercise is always a good way to start the morning,” wrote the mayor.