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Trilateral Talks Of China, Japan, South Korea On May 9

Web Desk (May 02, 2018): The most high-level official sit-up from Japan, China, and South Korea to take place on 9th May, officials state.

Next week’s meeting will reportedly involve Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and South Korean President Moon Jae-in – Chinese Premier Li Keqiang will be representing his country in President Xi Jinping’s place.“President Moon plans to give a briefing on the results of the inter-Korean summit and provide consultation on ways to further strengthen cooperation among the three countries for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and the establishment of peace,” spokesperson Kim Eui-kyeom was quoted as saying.The trip will represent Moon’s first visit to Japan since taking office and the first by a South Korean President in over six years.

It is also the first summit between the three countries since 2015.

Tuesday saw the Blue House report that meeting will likely focus on North Korea’s engagement with the international community and its reported commitment to the “denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.”North Korean leader Kim Jong Un held summits with Moon and Xi in March and April, and is set to meet with U.S. President Donald Trump in late May or early June at an as-yet-undecided location.

While Japan and North Korea have not organized an Abe-Kim summit, both leaders recently expressed a willingness for the two countries to engage in talks.

Speaking on Sunday, spokesperson Kim Eui-kyeom disclosed that the topic was discussed by Abe and Moon in a phone call following Friday’s inter-Korean summit – the first in over a decade.“[Moon] especially told Abe that he delivered [Japan’s] hopes for the normalization of diplomatic relations between North Korea and Japan based on the settlement of the past,” spokesperson Kim told assembled media over the weekend.

“Chairman of the State Affairs Commission Kim Jong Un also said North Korea is willing to have a dialogue with Japan at any time,” President Moon reportedly told Prime Minister Abe during the phone call.

Abe, in response, said Tokyo would seek to hold a meeting with the North Koreans and asked Moon to assist him.

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